
Ever Walk Into A Room and Forget What You Went In For???

The Real Reason You Walk Into A Room And Forget What You Went In For

If you donâ€t want to forget why you went in in the first place! [Photo: jaymantri.com via Pexels]

Itâ€s one of lifeâ€s little mysteries. The very second you walk into a room, you completely forget why the heck you went in there in the first place. Two seconds ago we knew exactly what we were doing. Now? Nada, zip, diddly squat…you get the idea.

For years weâ€ve been wondering if itâ€s yet another downright annoying side effect of getting older. Wrinkles, under-eye bags and getting (even more) forgetful. But apparently science says itâ€s not our fault.

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