
After being interviewed by the school administration, the prospective teacher said:

‘Let me see if I’ve got this right.

‘You want me to go into that room with all those kids, correct their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse, monitor their dress habits, censor their T-shirt messages, and instill in them a love for learning.

‘You want me to check their backpacks for weapons, wage war on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases, and raise their sense of self esteem and personal pride.

‘You want me to teach them patriotism and good citizenship, sportsmanship and fair play, and how to register to vote, balance a checkbook, and apply for a job.

‘You want me to check their heads for lice, recognize signs of antisocial behavior, and make sure that they all pass the final exams

‘You also want me to provide them with an equal education regardless of their handicaps, and communicate regularly with their parents in English, Spanish or any other language, by letter, telephone, newsletter, and report card.

‘You want me to do all this with a piece of chalk, a blackboard, a bulletin board, a few books, a big smile, and a starting salary that qualifies me for food stamps.

‘You want me to do all this and then you tell me. . .



without support from many parents ( When I was a student, If I got in trouble at school I got in more trouble at home)

with dwindling budgets and support

with the threat of losing my job if students perform poorly on state, federal or provincial tests (which  are a waste of money and time)

with a great deal of stress

with a huge workload

with low status

after 5 years of College or University Education

No wonder there are so many emails making the rounds about, WHY TEACHERS DRINK!

Continue reading about NOMINATED FOR ” BEST EMAIL OF THE YEAR 2010”

John on July 29th, 2010

beware of cat-doormat

Continue reading about Beware of Cat Floor Mat

John on July 28th, 2010

Don’t look at your watch every 10 minutes.

Don’t play with things like a pen or a knickknack sitting on the interviewer’s desk.

Don’t get too comfortable.

Don’t promise to fix the company’s two years of losses and cure all the problems in the world.

Don’t assume that you have the job until it’s offered to you.

What to Say and do in a Job Interview

1. The art of listening

One of the first skills of a conversation is the art of listening.

2. When to speak

Keep in mind when to speak and when not to.  This is doubly important when you are facing more than one interviewer.

3. The information you provide

Quality over quantity Concentration and focus are quite important.

4. Provide Facts

5. Relevancy

focus on relevancy.

6. A team player

Make it clear to the  interviewers that you are a team player.

8. Future plans

9. Honest answers

Proof Read your resumeeee:

  • “Skills: Strong Work Ethic, Attention to Detail, Team Player, Self Motivated, Attention to Detail”
  • Woman who sent her résumé and cover letter without deleting someone else’s editing, including such comments as “I don’t think you want to say this about yourself here”
  • Continue reading about What not to do and What to Say in a Job Interview

    John on July 28th, 2010
    Doormats With A Difference

    wine-doormatWarrant -doormatwalk over me - doormatsleeping dog-doormatno thanks -doormatlook who is here-doormathere- doormatgolf - doormat

    Continue reading about Doormats With A Difference

    John on July 28th, 2010

    God, grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,
    The good fortune to run into the ones that I do,
    And the eyesight to tell the difference.

    Continue reading about A Prayer for the Golden Years

    John on July 28th, 2010
    Two young businessmen in Florida were sitting down for a break in their soon-to-be new store in the shopping mall.  As yet, the store wasn’t ready, with only a few shelves and display racks set up. One said to the other, “I’ll bet that any minute now some senior is going to walk by, put his face to the window, and ask what we’re selling.” Sure enough, just a moment later, a curious senior gentleman walked up to the window, looked around intensely and rapped on the glass, then in a loud voice asked, “What are you sellin’ here?” One of the men replied sarcastically, “We’re selling ass-holes.” Without skipping a beat, the old timer said, “You’re doing well, only two left.”

    Two young businessmen in Florida were sitting down for a break in their soon-to-be new store in the shopping mall.  As yet, the store wasn’t ready, with only a few shelves and display racks set up. One said to the other, “I’ll bet that any minute now some senior is going to walk by, put his face to the window, and ask what we’re selling.” Sure enough, just a moment later, a curious senior gentleman walked up to the window, looked around intensely and rapped on the glass, then in a loud voice asked, “What are you sellin’ here?” One of the men replied sarcastically, “We’re selling ass-holes.” Without skipping a beat, the old timer said, “You’re doing well, only two left.”

    Continue reading about What’s for sale?

    All you think about is soccer!

    My Wife: ‘Soccer, soccer, soccer! That’s all you ever think about! If you said you were going to stay at home one Saturday afternoon to help with the house’ work, I think I’d drop dead from the shock!’

    Me: ‘It’s no good trying to bribe me, dear.’

    and that’s when the fight started…

    Continue reading about All you think about is soccer, football, hockey, baseball and…

    John on July 28th, 2010

    An elderly gent was invited to an old friend’s home for dinner one evening. He was impressed by the way his buddy preceded every request to his wife with endearing terms such as: Honey, My Love, Darling, Sweetheart, Pumpkin, etc. The couple had been married almost 70 years and, clearly, they were still very much in love. While the wife was in the kitchen, the man leaned over to his host, “I think it’s wonderful that, after all these years, you still call your wife those loving pet names.” The old man hung his head. “I have to tell you the truth,” he said, “Her name slipped my mind about 10 years ago, and I’m scared to death to ask the cranky old bitch what it is.”

    Continue reading about True love in the twilight years…

    John on July 28th, 2010

    A man was telling his neighbor, “I just bought a new hearing aid. It cost me four thousand dollars, but it’s state of the art. It’s perfect.”

    old man

    “Really,” answered the neighbor . “What kind is it?”

    “Twelve thirty.”

    Continue reading about Getting Old – Time

    John on July 28th, 2010

    “Oh, Crap was that today?”

    Continue reading about The First Senior Moment