
Police near Windsor,  Ontario charged a lady with impaired driving, to wit, operating a Zamboni.  It seems she was servicing  the ice at a hockey rink when witnesses noticed that perhaps a bit more than the ice needed servicing.

This is huge.  Operating a motor vehicle while impaired is a serious Criminal Code offense. I don’t know this lady’s criminal record but if it is her second offence, she could be packing her toothbrush and going to jail for 14 days.  If that is the case, just what would she tell her inmates behind bars, who are charged with assault and robbery?  The cops busted me for driving my Zamboni?

And seeing that we are nearing the Christmas season, will this incident cause police to redirect their resources for nabbing impaired drivers and have them expand their RIDE program to hockey arenas?  I think it’s a great idea. I suggest that a police officer attend at all hockey arenas and that he post himself in an unmarked Zamboni just off the penalty box.  If he sees a Zamboni passing by, he can roll onto the ice and pull over the operator. He can then request that he or she provide a sample of their breath into a roadside breathalyser.  If the driver fails, not only charge but further embarrass them.  Have the rink announcer broadcast over the public address system, “Betty Williams, 5 minutes for smashing.”  Or rather for “being smashed.”  How’s that for deterrence! Zamboni drivers will think twice about whether or not to have that cold one or simply clean it.

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