The 2009 REAL COST OF THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS!Partridge in a pear tree

Well it’s that time of the year again and as per their usual standard,PNC have compiled their Real Cost Of The 12 Days Of Christmas for 2009, complete with video, with the following results:

* One Partridge in a Pear Tree: $159 – down 27%

* Two Turtle Doves: $56.00 now for the pair, up 1%.

* Three French Hens: $15.00 each – up by 50%.

* Four Calling Birds: $599.96 – $149.99 each, stable

* Five Gold Rings: $500 – after a hefty 43% increase.

* Six Geese-a-Laying: $150.00 – down by 37% on 2008’s figures.

* Seven Swans-a-Swimming: $5,250, down by 6.3%.

* Eight Maids-a-Milking: now charging $7.25 an hour and up 10.7%.

* Nine Ladies Dancing: $5,473 – up 15%.

* Ten Lords-a-Leaping: $4,413.61 – stable.

* Eleven Pipers Piping: $2,284.80 – stable.

* Twelve Drummers Drumming: $2,475.20 stable.

The grand total of the song for this year – a 1.8% increase overall compared with the inverted figure from the previous year of 8.1%. Therefore while the 2008 total amounted to $21,080.10, the total cost for the 12 Days Of Christmas for 2009 has been calculated to be only a marginal rise to $21,465.

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