Latest joke about the Icelandic banking crisis:

“You’ve heard about Gordon Brown? When he heard about Iceland he wanted cash, but there’s no ‘c’ in the Icelandic language, so we gave him ash.”


The last wish of the Icelandic Economy was to have its ashes spread over Europe.

A man is shopping in a Tesco store in Iceland. When he gets to the till and pays for his shopping the girl behind the till says,  “Do you want any ash back?”


“All this ash cloud talk is going over my head”

What did the Icelandic Volcano say to the earthquake? “It’s not my fault.”

Fly with “Eyjafjallajökull” airlines! Why there’s still no song, cartoon, no souvenir? Such a great name – Mr. Eyjafjallajökull. And his wife Mirdal’sjekjudl’, who is still asleep.

What do you call a cute volcano?
Lavable! (lovable!)

“It’s too early to make jokes about the Icelandic ash cloud… we need to let the dust settle first”


I see that America has declared war on Iceland. Apparently they are accusing them of harboring a “weapon of mass disruption”…  (contributed by a reader- Thanks)

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Iceland only joke!

Q: What do you do if you get lost in an Icelandic forest?

[Pause for dramatic effect]

A: Stand up!

[Ed: Icelandic forests have extremely low trees.]

Europe to Iceland:

Why did you send us volcanic ash ? Our airspace has shut down.

Iceland: What ? That’s what you asked for isn’t it ?

Europe: NO! We said cash! CASH!

Iceland: Woooops…

There is no C in the Icelandic alphabet, so when you ask for Cash, all you get is …

Glasgow airport has been closed after a massive cloud of dust drifted into UK airspace? The cleaner of the Celtic trophy cabinet has now been arrested!

Please add any jokes in the comment box. Thank you


3 Responses to “Icelandic Volcano -cute jokes!”

  1. After the economic downturn Great Britain asked Iceland for the cash in return they got some ash.

  2. Dr_Dale says:

    Official uk government message follows:
    Good News, HMS Arkroyal is coming!
    All thats required is you work your passage.
    You are to board at Gibraltar, with calls at Basra and Port Stanley.
    Return to the UK is expected by the end of 2012

    ———————-Message Ends——————————-

  3. Gunni says:

    What’s the difference between Cheryl Cole and Iceland?

    Only one’s blowing Ash!

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