A volcano in Iceland has shut down a lot of Europe’s airspace. A (1) ____ ash cloud from the volcano means it is too dangerous for airplanes to fly. The ash (2) ____ into the airplane’s engines and can cause great damage. The volcano erupted on Wednesday and has caused travel (3) ____ all over the world. Thousands of flights could not take (4) ____ in Britain, Ireland, France, Belgium and Scandinavia. People across the world with flights to these countries cannot travel (5) ____ the cloud disappears. Scientists do not know when the ash will clear.

A weather (6) ____ from Iceland’s meteorological office said the situation would continue for days, or even weeks. He pointed (7) ____ that the same volcano erupted in 1821 and continued for two years. It is difficult to imagine what would (8) ____ if no planes could fly to most of Europe until 2012. Ferry and train companies would be very busy, and happy. Other people who are happy at the (9) ____ are sunset watchers. The ash in the sky is creating beautiful and spectacular sunsets. The (10) ____ world is watching this ash cloud.

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