Iceland Volcano

I nearly blew my top when I heard about the Icelandic Volcano. The newsexploded around the world and across the  internet! I thought it was a huge Volcano and the news left me trembling and quaking in my shoes. There were a lot of people spewing false information, and many were just full of hot air.  That funny dude on YouTube, who shouted, “I hate Iceland!”, was just blowing off steam. Most of the ash cloud talk was going over my head. I especially had trouble trying to pronounce  EyJ -Eyjaf -Eyjafjall – oh forget it!   Eyjafjallajökull

One Response to “Voted Best Icelandic Volcano Ash Joke on the Internet – Mine!!!!”

  1. Business Man says:

    hey,looks like we’re on the same path. good stuff! come by and say hi! cheers Reginald Melchor

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