Americans rally from two goals down against Slovenia, but should have won the game.

Koman Coulibaly who was refereeing his first World Cup match, called ‘foul’ on Maurice Edu who had scored a goal in the last minutes of the match which would have given the Americans a 3-2 lead.
Some are saying that America got robbed and that Koman Coulibaly should be fired immediately.

“I don’t know how they stole that last goal from us,” a clearly heated Donovan said as he left the field. “I’m not sure what the call was. He [Coulibaly] wouldn’t tell us.”

Later, Donovan, who launched the comeback with a blistering goal of his own three minutes into the second half, had calmed down a bit but was still bemused by the call.

“I’m assuming it was a foul somewhere,” he said. “Obviously, it couldn’t have been offside. We asked the ref many times who it was on or what the foul was and he wouldn’t or couldn’t explain it.

“I don’t know what to think of the call because I didn’t see any foul anywhere. I just saw a normal free kick and a goal.”

Had the goal been allowed and had the U.S. held on to the lead, it would have earned three points and would have been virtually assured of a place in the next round.

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