John on May 2nd, 2010

005GarfieldsMothersDay.gif Mothers Day image by LaGambler4

John on May 2nd, 2010

maxinemothersday.jpg Maxine Mothers Day image by bettyboop6896

John on May 2nd, 2010

You Were There…
thMothers_Day-1.gif mothers day image by angwbc
You were there when we took our first steps,
And went unsteadily across the floor.
You pushed and prodded: encouraged and guided,
Until our steps took us out the door…

You worry now “Are they ok?”
Is there more you could have done?
As we walk the paths of our unknown
You wonder “Where have my children gone?”

Where we are is where you have led us,
With your special love you showed us a way,
To believe in ourselves and the decisions we make.
Taking on the challenge of life day-to-day.

And where we go you can be sure,
In spirit you shall never be alone.
For where you are is what matters most to us,
Because to us that will always be home…

~Author Unknown~

John on May 2nd, 2010


“If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere” – anonymous
Why teachers drink
These are actual answers to test questions in the classroom!

That means this material has been studied for a period of time before the test questions were asked (just so you non-teachers know)!

funny exam answers - 02

why teachers drink, very funny email forward, funnfunny exam answers - 03y test answersfunny exam answers - 2funny exams answers-1funny exam answers - 3funny exam answers - 4funny exam answers - 5funny exam answers - 6funny exam answers - 7funny exam answers - 8funny exam answers - 9funny exam answers - 10funny exam answers - 11funny exam answers - 12funny exam answers - 13funny exam answers - 14funny exam answers - 16funny exam answers - 17funny exam answers - 18funny exam answers - 19funny exam answers - 21funny exam answers - 22funny exam answers - 23

Teacher: Who had a worldwide hit with “It’s A Wonderful World”?

Student: I don’t know.

Teacher: I’ll give you a couple of clues. What do you call the part between your hand and your elbow?

Student: Arm.

Teacher: Correct. And if you’re not weak, you’re …?

Student: Strong.

Teacher: Correct: And what was Lord Mountbatten’s first name?

Student: Louis.

Teacher: Well, there we are then. So who had a worldwide hit with the song “It’s A Wonderful World”?

Student: Frank Sinatra?

We taught these Contestants.

From Late Show (BBC Midlands):

Alex Trelinski: What is the capital of Italy?

Contestant: France.

Trelinski: France is another country. Try again.

Contestant: Oh, um, Benidorm.

Trelinski: Wrong, sorry, let’s try another question. In which country is the Parthenon?

Same contestant: Sorry, I don’t know.

Trelinski: Just guess a country then.

Contestant: Paris.

A few more dumb people:

1. Ancient Egypt was inhabited by mummies and they all wrote in hydraulics.They lived in the Sarah Dessert and traveled by Camelot. The climate of the Sarah is such that the inhabitants have to live elsewhere.

2. The Bible is full of interesting caricatures. In the first book of the Bible,Guinessis, Adam and Eve were created from an apple tree. One of their children,Cain, asked, “Am I my brother’s son?”

3. Moses led the Hebrew slaves to the Red Sea, where they made unleavened bread which is bread made without any ingredients. Moses went up on Mount Cyanide to get the ten commandments. He died before he ever reached Canada.

4. Solomom had three hundred wives and seven hundred porcupines.

Maxine and dumb exam answers
why teachers drink

Enquirer Picture

An ENQUIRER reporter has confirmed

the limo driver’s account of the

secret 2004 rendezvous.


Bush and Condoleezza Love Affair 1
“Did you hear the video game industry has changed the ratings of the game Grand Theft Auto to an adult-only rating after pressure from media watch dog groups and politicians because the game had hidden sexual content? Politicians felt the sex would have a negative effect on the children. See that shows you how up tight we are in this country about sex. Apparently a game when you’re stealing cars and killing cops is okay — it’s the sex we’re worried about.” –Jay Leno

“Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has called for an investigation of the video game Grand Theft Auto after finding hidden sex in the game. I don’t know, is Hillary the best one to go looking for hidden sex? If Hillary was any good at finding it, her husband wouldn’t have been impeached.” –Jay Leno

“Remember when Republicans, like Newt Gingrich and Bob Livingston, when they got in trouble it was for sex scandals?

See Tom DeLay is in trouble for money. Or as Republicans would call it — this is a return to traditional values.” –Jay Leno

Barack works hard and spends most evenings bowling or playing basketball at the gym. His wife thinks he is pushing himself too hard,

so for his birthday she takes him to a local strip club.

The doorman at the club greets them and says, “Hey, Barack! How ya doin?” His wife is puzzled and asks if he’s been to this club before.

“Oh no,” says Barack. “He’s on my bowling team.”

When they are seated, a waitress asks Barack if he’d like his usual and brings over a Budweiser. His wife is becoming increasingly

uncomfortable and says, “How did she know that you drink Budweiser?” “She’s in the Ladies’ Bowling League, honey. We share lanes with them.”

A stripper then comes over to their table, throws her arms around Barack and starts to rub herself all over him and says, “Hi Barackie. Want your usual

table dance, big boy?” Barack’s wife, now furious, grabs her purse and storms out of the club.

Barack follows and spots her getting into a cab. Before she can slam the door, he jumps in beside her. Barack tries desperately to explain how the

stripper must have mistaken him for someone else, but his wife is having none of it.

She is screaming at him at the top of her lungs, calling him every four letter word in the book. The cabby turns around and says,

“Geez Barack, you picked up a real bitch this time.”


A son asks his father, “What can you tell me about politics? I have to learn about it for school tomorrow.”

The father thought some and said, “OK, son, the best way I can describe politics is to use an analogy.

Let’s say that I’m a capitalist because I’m the breadwinner. Your mother will be the government because she controls

everything, our maid will be the working class because she works for us, you will be the people because you answer to us,

and your baby brother will be the future. Does that help any?” The little boy said, “Well, Dad, I don’t know,

but I’ll think about what you said.”

Later that night, after everyone had gone to bed, the little boy was awaken by his baby brother’s crying. Upon further investigation, he found a dirty diaper. So, he went down the hall to his parent’s bedroom and found his father’s side of the bed empty and his mother wouldn’t wake up. Then he saw a light on in the guest room down the hall, and when he reached the door, he saw through the crack that his father was in bed with the maid. The son then turned and went back to bed.

The next morning, he said to his father at the breakfast table, “Dad, I think I understand politics much better now.” “Excellent, my boy,” he answered, “What have you learned?” The little boy thought for a minute and said, “I learned that capitalism is screwing the working class, government is sound asleep ignoring the people, and the future’s full of crap.”

John on May 1st, 2010
Paddy and his two friends are talking at a bar. His first friend says: “I think my wife is having an affair with the electrician. The other day I came home and found wire cutters under our bed and they weren’t mine.”

His second friend says: “I think my wife is having an affair with the plummer the other day I found a wrench under the bed and it wasn’t mine.”

Paddy says: “I think my wife is having an affair with a horse.” Both his friends look at him with utter disbelief. “No I’m serious. The other day I came home and found a jockey under our bed.”

I can explain

A married man was having an affair with his secretary. One day, their passions overcame them and they took off for her house, where they made passionate love all afternoon. Exhausted from the wild sex, they fell asleep, awakening around 8:00 pm. As the man threw on his clothes, he told the woman to take his shoes outside and rub them through the grass and dirt. Mystified, she nonetheless complied. He slipped into his shoes and drove home.

“Where have you been?” demanded his wife when he entered the house.

“Darling, I can’t lie to you. I’ve been having an affair with my secretary and we’ve been having sex all afternoon. I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until eight o’clock.”

The wife glanced down at his shoes and said, “You lying bastard! You’ve been playing golf!”.

Yer Cheatin’ Heart

A man was lying on his deathbed, surrounded by his loving wife and three beautiful, talented, intelligent children — and the youngest, an unattractive lump. He turns to his wife and says: “Honey, I need to know before I die: is our youngest child really mine?” His wife looks deeply into his eyes and answers, “I swear by all that’s holy that Chris is your biological child!”

As her husband expires, she thinks to herself, “Thank God he didn’t ask me about the first three!”


And Bank Bonuses which are the real outrageous scandals of today!

Baker and Obama

The National Enquirer has been working to confirm details of a presidential cheating scandal involving Barack Obama and former aide/fundraiser, Vera Baker. The Enquirer tried mightily in 2008 to confirm the whispers of the affair but couldn’t get anyone who could confirm the story to talk.


Must be true because it was in the National Enquirer!

John on April 30th, 2010

Happy mother's Day 1


Grandma tells me come on over
so I knock upon her door
just like she’s been waiting for me
ever since the time before
exactly like the time before
oh Grandma

Grandma serves me lemonade
in my very own special cup
Grandma lets me make a mess
then she helps me clean it up
one more time we’ve got to clean it all up
oh Grandma

And if I have some kind of problem
Grandma always understands
we play cards and fingerpainting
then I have to go and wash my hands

Grandma’s good at Snakes and Ladders
Crazy Eights, Go Fish and Gin
but when we play Chinese Checkers
I think Grandma lets me win
I always seem to be the one who wins
Oh Grandma

By Rick Scott


Where would we be without Moms?
Where would we be without those ladies?
Helping us all year long
And the love you give is just amazing.

Growing up
Getting up
Feeling good each day
Is easy to do.

Helping hands
Showing us the way
We tip our hats to you.

Oh, oh, Moms, Moms, where would we be?
Oh Moms, there’s no debate,
Mom, Moms, where would we be?
Oh Moms, we think you’re great.

Growing up
Getting up
Feeling good each day
Is easy to do.

Helping hands
Showing us the way,
We tip our hats to you.

Oh, oh, Moms, Moms, where would we be?
Oh Moms, there’s no debate,
Mom, Moms, where would we be?
Oh Moms, we think you’re great.
Oh Moms, we think you’re great!

By Ron Brown

This Mother’s Day
Song for Expressing Appreciation on Mother’s Day
Jack Hartmann

This Mother’s Day
This Mother’s Day
A very special time to say
I thank you for all your special ways
You show your care for me each day

Thank you for your smiles
They make me feel good inside

Thank you for your hugs
They make me feel that I am loved

Thank you for my food
And so many nice things that you do


Thank you, when I cry
You make me feel better and dry my eyes

Thank you for your help
You think about me, I can tell

Thank you for your love
I think you are beautiful

Happy Mother’s Day

Not so Funny OIL Spill Cartoon
This current OIL SPILL has turned out to be the worst oil spill in U.S. history.
The B.P. CEO got on television and smirked while talking about this important matter and claimed no responsibility. B.P. has now been ordered to settle damage claims, most of which can be handled over the telephone.
We should not let Big Oil get away with another huge disater.